What type of payment can we perform with Kiple E-wallet?
You can perform payment varieties of payment with Kiple.
In Kiple E-wallet, Bill Payment, repayment of PTPTN, depositing SSPN and SSPN-i. Transfer money to your friends
Where do I find my transaction history?
You can check your transaction history by going in your Account then select Transaction History.
Will I be able to view my latest transactions immediately?
Yes, you may view your latest transactions on kiplePay apps immediately upon completing any transaction by clicking on “History” icon on your kiplePay Mobile Apps.
Where can I make payment using Kiple Wallet?
You can make payment to all Kiple registered merchant. All Kiple registered merchant is provided with a QR code. You can make payment by scanning the QR code.
Alternatively, you can apply for a Kiple Visa Prepaid Card to make payment in all Visa registered merchant.
What is Monthly Spending in my Kiple Wallet?
This feature is a tracking of your monthly spending with your Kiple Wallet. Keep track your expenses and spending. The amount will be reset in the beginning of every month.
How to remit payment using kiplePay apps?
There is two (2) method to remit payment by using your kiplePay apps -:
Merchant scan user’s QR Code:
Step 1: Launch your kiplePay apps
Step 2: Choose “Pay” icon and key in your 6-digit PIN
Step 3: Show QR Code to merchant
Step 4: Merchant scan User’s QR code
Step 5: Payment complete!
User scan merchant’s QR Code:
Step 1: Launch your kiplePay apps
Step 2: Choose “Scan” icon
Step 3: Scan merchant’s QR Code
Step 4: Enter amount to pay
Step 5: Key in your 6-digit PIN
Step 6: Payment complete!